• Understanding colors in visual storytelling : how to extract color palettes I want you to close your eyes and imagine two characters from star wars fighting, a hero and a villain. what are their lightsaber colors? what colors are their clothes? Colors are a powerful way to tell a story in a manner that words alone cannot. they can set the...
  • my terminal commands As a daily linux user but not a sys admin or anything related, i thought to group all the commands that i find useful as a user my best friends are whois and alias. the first tells me a short describtion of a command that i’m not familliar with and...
  • Softmax simply explained so what is softmax? softmax is an activation function often used in the final layer of a multi class neural network. it basically tell us given an example what is the probability of it belonging to each class.that is P(y=j|x) so for instance if we have a dog, a cat...